Contact Page

I'd love to hear from you about writing AND/OR massage!

Please note, I run each business from a unique email address:

To book a massage, MLD session, Raindrop Session, or to ask a question about other services and products, including essential oils, please send me an email at 

[email protected]

Or simply fill out this form and I will respond within 48 hours.

You can also call Lone Star Lymphatic in Austin at 512-351-3329.

Finally, you may reach me via direct message at Lone Star Lymphatic on Facebook.

To inquire about writing courses, writing services, speaking events, and current books and projects, please send me an email at 

[email protected]

You can also reach me via direct message at My Team Connects on Facebook.

For updates about all things writing, subscribe to my newsletter here.

I will respond within a day or two.

Thanks much,



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