The Beneficial Effects of Lymphatic Massage

I’ll never forget the first time I received MLD, otherwise known as Manual Lymph Drainage, Lymphatic Massage, or Lymphatic Drainage.

It almost felt like a dream state, where I was half awake and half asleep. At one point I may have drifted in and out because I remember something like talking in my sleep—only I wasn’t quite asleep.

I also know my digestive system became activated. My stomach started making those gurgling noises and I was a little embarrassed, but the massage therapist said, “It’s fine, That’s the effect I was hoping for.”

When I got off the table 50 minutes later, I felt like I was walking on air. Very light and ethereal. I went home and slept really well that night!

A meditative state of calm

The first benefit—I can guarantee this nearly 100%—is the experience of magical relaxation. You could compare it to deep meditation. As a practitioner of lymphatic massage, I have never known even my most talkative...

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Ready to Go Back to Your Massage Therapist?

Image by Microgen, Adobe Stock

Here’s what to expect in the age of COVID.

As people venture out after the lockdown, many are craving a massage

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